Sunday, June 6, 2010

ASUS Support Is Full Of Asses

Not asses like assholes, but asses like donkeys. And not the good kind that you would see in a show in Mehico or certain parts of Alabama. I could have gotten better service from a robot or a recording. Here's the short version.
I bought the Asus EB1006B from Amazon. It has wireless N, ATI video, HDMI out, some other cool stuff, and comes with a wireless keyboard/mouse, and a VESA mount kit. Seems like a perfect way to watch RedTube on my HDTV. It comes with 1GB of RAM and every site says it can support 2GB, so I figured for a great porn viewing experience, I better get more RAM.
It showed up and I pulled it out with my RAM in hand ready to upgrade, but ah, wait a minute....there's no window to open, no easy pop-off slide or anything. There are 4 screws on the bottom. 2 of them hold in the HDD. I'm glad they made that so easy to remove since ALL my storage is remote. I pulled out the other 2 screws and they did nothing. Am I supposed to slide it open? Do I have to pry it open? Are there some load bearing screws under some stickers? I decided to Google it because someone has to have a tutorial online. Nothing. I went to because I figured they might have something. They only have 3 entries total for the EB1006. So I decided to take advantage of my 1 year of free support and email them. I just wanted a quick document, a .pdf, or even a slideshow. They replied that I need to call support or send it in to a service center. The damn thing only cost $250, $300 with the RAM. I'm not about to pay to send it in to get them to do something my grandma can do if they designed it right in the first place.
So I called the support line listed in the email. I finally got through to someone and was told it was the wrong department. They at least transferred me. The next guy sounded like he want to practice speaking English more than support me. It took him 10 minutes to get the serial number from me. There were so many numbers on the box, and none of them had any S/N in front of them.
I told him what was up and his reply was that I need to leave the box as it is or I will void my warranty. I asked why it is advertised as upgradable to 2GB then - isn't that deceptive advertising? His reply changed a little, now he understands my concern, but any change will void my warranty. I told him I didn't care, just tell me how to do it. "Any change will void my warranty." So if I install MS Office, or Java, or Firefox isn't that considered a change? What if I format the drive and install Linux instead of the shit they call Windows XP that it came with? "Any change will void the warranty." Let me talk to the management then...or will even a change in support void my warranty? Oh shit! I already got transferred from the last person, so much for my warranty!
Several days later I got an email survey from ASUS. I usually try to be nice on those surveys, but that guy can go suck an egg.

Anyway, I decided to just tear the thing apart. If the case got damaged a little, it didn't matter since it was going to be mounted to my TV anyway. For those of you that like to Google stuff before you do stuff, here is:

How to upgrade the RAM on an ASUS Eee Box EB1006-

1. Unscrew the 4 screws on the bottom. I pulled out the HDD just for kicks.
2. Lay the box on it's side with all the stickers facing down.
3. Take something flat, a screwdriver, guitar pick, hammerhead shark, and slide it gently in the corner above the screws. I used this blue thing that came with a toolset I got for $1 from China.

4. Slide it across slowly around the border.

5. TA-DA! Here is the RAM compartment I was looking for. Unscrew the screw and swap out the RAM as

6. Call ASUS support at 1-888-678-3688 and tell them to suck an egg. They may transfer you to the egg sucking department who will tell you it will void your warranty.